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Certificate Decoder

Confirm your SSL Certificate is Correct

The Certificate Decoder Tool allows you to decode any SSL Certificate, including PEM, DER or PFX formats. Why would you need to decode an SSL Certificate? Simple, to make sure all the information is correct. This is a smart practice before attempting to install the certificate on your server. Simply paste your certificate into the field below and let the Decoder Tool do the rest.

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- We offer Most Trusted Brands

- Streamlined SSL Support (24 Hours/7 Days/365 Year)

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- Unlimited SSL Tools

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  • Firefox web browser image
  • Google Chrome web browser image
  • Internet Explorer web browser image
  • Opera web brower image
  • Safari web browser image
  • Netscape web browser image
  • AOL web browser image

Our certs are supported on 99.9% of web browsers, iPhones & mobile devices

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