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Generate CSR

CSR Generation

Instructions on generating a CSR

Please select your Product & Server Software Vendor to view detailed instructions for generating a CSR. If your server is not listed or you need additional information, refer to your server documentation or contact your server vendor.


Additional Information:

  • Check the common name field. You may have specified an IP address (e.g. or a server name (e.g. mywebserver) instead of a Fully Qualified Domain Name such as www.mydomain.com or domain name such as mydomain.com. You must specify a Fully Qualified Domain Name or domain name to enroll for a RapidSSL, FreeSSL or Professional Level certificate.
  • Make sure you do not have any illegal characters in any of the fields in the CSR. Illegal characters are [! @ # $ % ^ ( ) ~ ? > < & / \ , . " ']
  • Check the country field. If you are located in the United Kingdom, do not specify your country code when generating the CSR as "UK" - it must be "GB".
  • Make sure you have included the header and footer of the CSR into the enrollment form. The header and footer will look like:
    encoded data
    Make sure that there are 5 dashes on each side of Begin and End certificate request. There should also be no trailing spaces in the CSR.
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