How to Generate CSR and Install SSL Certificate on FileZilla Server

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Process to Generate CSR and Install SSL Certificate on FileZilla Server

Before you start the Installation process, please mark the following points

  • Buy/Renew SSL certificate from a Trusted SSL Certificate Authority (CA).
  • Save the SSL Certificate files provided by the CA into a specific location.

filezilla ssl security

How to Generate a CSR on FileZilla Server

  • Sign in to your FileZilla Server via the SSH (Secure Shell) terminal
  • Now execute the following line of code

openssl req –new –newkey rsa:2048 –nodes –keyout server.key –out server.csr
  • This code begins generation of the CSR and Private Key File.
  • The system prompts you to add the common name, this is where you add your domain name.
  • When the system prompts you to add the organization information along with the location, add the full address or location of your business.
  • The Private Key and CSR are now generated and named: server.key and server.csr.
  • Change their name and Save them into a specific location; change the name todomain.key and domain.csr file name.

FileZilla Server SSL Certificate Installation Process

  • Log in to your FileZilla Server.
  • Now, click Edit > Settings
  • The FileZilla Server Options window will appear
  • Click SSL/TLS certificate in the bottom left corner.
  • Mark FTP over SSL/TLS support (FTPS).
  • Now find and select the Private Key file and SSL Certificate file.
  • Mark Allow explicit FTP over TLS and Disallow plain unencrypted FTP

filezilla ssl certificate installation
  • Click on OK
  • Your SSL Certificate is now installed on your FileZilla Server.